Pepijn is participating in the upcoming exhibition Art For Animals’ Sake 2017 Fundraising Exhibition 6 – 15 October Amsterdam Art For Animals’ Sake is an initiative of 2 Dutch artists, who wish to contribute to the well-being of animals by high quality contemporary art, starting with a fundraising art exhibition from 6 – 15 […]
Ménagerie des Monstres – an overview of the exhibition
Ménagerie des Monstres, an overview of Pepijn’s current show at gallery Untitled in Rotterdam.
Ménagerie des Monstres
Solo exhibition Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk | Ménagerie des Monstres Galerie Untitled, Bergweg 211, Rotterdam Preview, Friday May 19, 2017 (5 PM – 7 PM) Welcome to Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk’s imaginative ‘Cirque de Pepin’! Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk exhibited his work earlier in Japan, Singapore and China. In China, he learned the craft […]
De cirkel is rond/The circle is round
Atelier Horneman, framer and gallery in Groningen asked artists to choose a round frame from their collection and make an artwork special with this frame. Pepijn made two round paintings for this exhibition. One of them is shown below, ‘De Redder’ ‘The Savior’. De cirkel is rond February 4th – April 29th 2017 Opening February […]
September exhibitions
This September Pepijn is joining in two rather low profile exhibitions. The first is a groupshow at the retirement home Veenhage in Noordorp near Den Haag. At Veenhage his ceramic sculptures ‘Fuping bird’ and ‘Drakenkeizer’ (Dragon Emperor), amongst others, are at the party. The second is a groupshow with fellow artists Ingrid Mol, Martin […]
Dragons, dodos and monsters
As a teenager with an archaeological interest in ancient ceramics Pepijn had a special interest in this ceramics and glass magazine , ‘Vormen uit Vuur’. He would find old episodes at the ‘ De Slegte ‘ second hand bookstore in Utrecht. Now his work is featured in the latest episode in an article by The […]
Beyond Reality & After Bosch
Paintings and drawings by Pepijn in the exhibition ‘Beyond Reality & After Bosch’ at ‘Atelier Horneman’, Groningen The Netherlands June 25th – August 27 2016
Delftware Garniture on display
This Delftware “garniture”, especially made by Pepijn in collaboration with ceramic artist Tineke van Gils, for the exhibition ‘In Vermeer’s little street’, is on display at the old church ‘Op Hodenpijl’, Schipluiden, near Delft. (see also previous post) In het straatje van Vermeer, In Vermeer’s little street Kerk Op Hodepeil (Church Op Hodenpijl), Schipluiden Curator: […]
Garniture challenge in blue and white
Work in progress. Pepijn is painting 6 vases in only two weeks. Together with ceramic artist Tineke van Gils (see last picture below) he is making a so called ‘Delftware garniture’, ‘Delftsblauw kaststel’ in Dutch. The set of vases is part of the upcoming exhibition ‘In het straatje van Vermeer’. The exhibition is organized in […]
Timelapse painting and a Youtube account
This is a timelapse video of Pepijn painting the grisaille underpainting (in black and white) in acrylics for a new painting on canvas (the working title of this small painting is Prehistoric Monster Skull Collection). The rest of the painting will be finished in oil paint (but will take a lot longer than the underpainting). […]